24 - Wentworth
We do not have a detailed description for this route.
For more information, visit https://www.transitchicago.com/bus/24/.
Current Service Alerts
Temporary Bus Stop Change
How does this affect my trip?
The southbound #22 Clark and #24 Wentworth bus stop on the southwest corner at Clark/Lake will be temporarily discontinued.
For southbound #22 and #24 service, board buses one block south at Clark/Randolph.
Why is service being changed?
The bus stop is changed due to construction and related sidewalk closures.
Temporary Bus Stop Change
How does this affect my trip?
The southbound bus stop located mid-block on Clark between Madison and Monroe will be temporarily discontinued.
For #22 Clark and #24 Wentworth service, use either of the bus stops at Clark/Randolph or Clark/Adams.
Why is service being changed?
The bus stop is temporarily discontinued due to construction.
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