37 - Sedgwick
We do not have a detailed description for this route.
For more information, visit https://www.transitchicago.com/bus/37/.
Current Service Alerts
Temporary Reroute
How does this affect my trip?
Eastbound #7 Harrison buses will operate via Harrison, Jefferson, and Jackson to Canal, then continue their normal route on Jackson.
Northbound #37 Sedgwick buses will operate via Van Buren, Clinton, Harrison, Jefferson, and Jackson to Canal, then continue their normal route on Jackson.
Westbound #7 and southbound #37 buses are not affected.
Allow extra travel time.
Why is service being changed?
Buses are rerouted due to CDOT’s Canal Street Reconstruction Project.
Bus Route |
Board Buses Here: |
#7 |
Bus Route |
Board Buses Here: |
#37 |
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