Blue Line
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Current Service Alerts
Harlem (O’Hare branch) Station’s West Entrance Temporary Closure
How does this affect my trip?
The west entrance to the Harlem (O’Hare branch) Blue Line station on Higgins Avenue and the adjacent Park and Ride lot will temporarily close.
To enter/exit the station and make connections with #88 Higgins and #90 Harlem buses, customers may use the east entrance on Harlem Avenue. See separately posted alerts and station signage for details.
Alternative parking is available at the Cumberland Blue Line Station (5800 N Cumberland Ave). For additional information or any questions please call (773) 714-9262 or visit
Why is service being changed?
The station’s west entrance and Park and Ride lot are temporarily closed while we reconstruct the Harlem Blue Line station’s bus bridge over the Kennedy Expressway.
Elevator at Clark/Lake Temporarily Out-of-Service
The Blue Line subway platform elevator at Clark/Lake is temporarily out-of-service due to vandalism with this unit.
The elevator is currently estimated to return to service on Thursday, January 30th, 2025. (Note: date subject to change).
Crews are working to return this elevator to service as quickly as possible.
Learn more about the work we do to maintain, repair and upgrade elevators.
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