We do not have a detailed description for this route.
Current Service Alerts
There are no current service alerts for this route.
Recently Resolved Service Alerts
938 Highland Creek Express Regular service has resumed near Kennedy Station - Platform A.
Delays near Kennedy Station - Platform A due to construction.
Stations Served
This route stops at Ellesmere Rd at Markham Rd, Ellesmere Rd at Midland Ave East Side, Ellesmere Rd at Military Trail (East), Ellesmere Rd at Military Trail (East) West Side, Ellesmere Rd at Morningside Ave, Ellesmere Rd at Neilson Rd - Scarborough Health Network Cent, Ellesmere Rd at Neilson Rd - Scarborough Heatlh Network Cent, Kennedy Rd at Ellesmere Rd, Kennedy Rd at Lawrence Ave East East Side, Kennedy Station Drop-off Platform, Kennedy Station at Bus Bay 12 (Platform B), Midland Ave at Ellesmere Rd South Side, Midland Ave at Lawrence Ave East South Side, Scarborough Centre Station at Bus Bay 12, Scarborough Centre Station at Bus Bay 8, Triton Rd at Borough Dr, Triton Rd at Brimley Rd and University of Toronto Scarborough.
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