We do not have a detailed description for this route.
Current Service Alerts
Commuter Bus Service Alert
Commuter Bus is closely monitoring ridership in preparation for the RTO for federal workers. Passengers are encouraged to be courteous and remove all items from the seat next to you so others can be seated.
Recently Resolved Service Alerts
There are no recently resolved service alerts for this route.
Stations Served
This route stops at 23RD ST & I ST NW nb, 23RD ST & I ST NW sb, Davidsonville Park & Ride, K ST & 13TH ST NW eb, K ST & 13TH ST NW wb, K ST & 14TH ST NW eb, K ST & 14TH ST NW wb, K ST & 16TH ST NW fs eb, K ST & 16TH ST NW wb, K ST & 18TH ST NW eb, K ST & 18TH ST NW wb, K ST & 1ST ST NE nb, K ST & 1st ST NE, K ST & 20TH ST NW eb, K ST & 20TH ST NW wb, K ST & 2ND ST NE wb, K ST & 3RD ST NE eb, MASSACHUSETTES AVE & 5TH ST NW eb, MASSACHUSETTES AVE & 5TH ST NW wb, MASSACHUSETTS AVE & NEW JERSEY AVE NW eb, MASSACHUSETTS AVE & NEW JERSEY AVE NW wb, N CAPITOL ST & H ST NW sb, N CAPITOL ST & H ST nb, NEW YORK AVE & 9TH ST NW eb, NEW YORK AVE bet 7 & 9 STS NW wb, Severna Park Park & Ride, Virginia Ave Am and Virginia Ave Pm.
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