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Stations Served
This route stops at Backlick Rd+Edsall Rd, Backlick Rd+Leesville Bl, Backlick Rd+Leewood Forest Dr, Backlick Rd+Woodland Dr, Braddock Rd+August Nursing Home, Braddock Rd+Backlick Rd, Braddock Rd+Blue Ridge Av, Braddock Rd+Bradwood St, Braddock Rd+Columbia Rd, Braddock Rd+Dodson Dr, Braddock Rd+Ferndale St, Braddock Rd+Heming Av, Braddock Rd+Irvin Ct, Braddock Rd+Monroe Dr, Braddock Rd+Montrose St, Braddock Rd+Randolph Dr, Braddock Rd+Ravensworth Rd, Braddock Rd+Spring Valley Dr, Edsall Rd+Backlick Rd, Edsall Rd+Clifton St, Edsall Rd+Dublin Av, Edsall Rd+Montgomery St, Heming Av+Long Pine Dr, Heming Av+Queensberry Av, Leesville Bl+Appomattox Ct, Leesville Bl+Backlick Rd, Leesville Bl+Catlett St, Leesville Bl+Earlehurst St, Leesville Bl+Easton Dr, Leesville Bl+Glenallen St, Leesville Bl+Ivor St, Leesville Bl+Kathleen Pl, Little River Tpk+Beauregard St, Little River Tpk+Braddock Rd, Little River Tpk+Brookside Dr, Little River Tpk+Cherokee Av, Little River Tpk+Green Spring Rd, Little River Tpk+Manitoba Dr, Little River Tpk+Merritt Rd, Little River Tpk+Oasis Dr, Little River Tpk+Southland Av, Little River Tpk+Virginia St, Pentagon+Bay L4, Queensberry Av+Adair Ln, Queensberry Av+Bellington Av, Queensberry Av+Carrick Ln, Queensberry Av+Ellet Rd, Queensberry Av+Flag Run Dr, Queensberry Av+Gosport Ln, Queensberry Av+Heming Av, Queensberry Av+Pillow Ln, Queensberry Av+Ravenel Ln and Queensberry Av+Sedgewick Ln.
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