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Stations Served
This route stops at Duke St+N Paxton St, Duke St+N Pickett St, Edsall Rd+S Van Dorn St, Edsall Rd+S Whiting St, Edsall Rd+Yoakum Pkwy, Holmes Run Pkwy+Green House Condo, Holmes Run Pkwy+N Ripley St, Holmes Run Pkwy+N Van Dorn St, Holmes Run Pkwy+Parc View Apt, Kenmore Av+N Van Dorn St, N Pickett St+#400, N Pickett St+Holmes Run Pkwy, N Van Dorn St+Maris Av, N Van Dorn St+N Kenmore Av, N Van Dorn St+Parkside Apt, N Van Dorn St+Richenbacher Av, N Van Dorn St+Sanger Av, N Van Dorn St+Taney Av, N Van Dorn St+Wycklow Ct, Pentagon+Bay U13, S Reynolds St+#240, S Reynolds St+#260 The Summit Apt, S Reynolds St+#375, S Reynolds St+#375 Brent Place Apt, S Reynolds St+Duke St, S Reynolds St+Edsall St, S Reynolds St+Mason Apt, Seminary Rd+N Kenmore Av, Stevenson Av+S Van Dorn St, Stevenson Av+S Whiting St, Yoakum Pkwy+Cascade At Landmark Apt, Yoakum Pkwy+Edsall Rd, Yoakum Pkwy+Stevenson Av and Yoakum Pkwy+Watergate Apt.
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