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Stations Served
This route stops at Annapolis Rd+#7990, Annapolis Rd+#9607, Annapolis Rd+85 Av, Annapolis Rd+Atwell Av, Annapolis Rd+Baltimore Ln, Annapolis Rd+Bell Station Rd, Annapolis Rd+Carter Av, Annapolis Rd+Church Rd, Annapolis Rd+Ellerbie St, Annapolis Rd+Fairwood Pkwy, Annapolis Rd+Fontana Dr, Annapolis Rd+Forbes Bl, Annapolis Rd+Galveston Rd, Annapolis Rd+Glenn Dale Rd, Annapolis Rd+Glenn Dale Woods Ct, Annapolis Rd+Greenwood Ln, Annapolis Rd+Grenville Ln, Annapolis Rd+Highbridge Rd, Annapolis Rd+Hillmeade Rd, Annapolis Rd+Lakeview Ln, Annapolis Rd+Laurel Bowie Rd, Annapolis Rd+Lottsford Vista Rd, Annapolis Rd+MD 193, Annapolis Rd+MD-193, Annapolis Rd+ML King Jr Hwy, Annapolis Rd+Marthas Choice Cir, Annapolis Rd+Morley Rd, Annapolis Rd+Princess Garden Pkwy, Annapolis Rd+Riverdale Rd, Annapolis Rd+Seabrook Rd, Annapolis Rd+Silvergate Ln, Annapolis Rd+Sir Lancelot Dr, Annapolis Rd+St Pius X, Annapolis Rd+W Lanham Dr, Annapolis Rd+Washington Bl, Annapolis Rd+Whitfield Chapel Rd, Belair Dr+Sedgewick Ln, Belair Dr+Sedgwick Ln, Belair Dr+Skylark Ln, Belair Dr+Stafford Ln, Belair Dr+Starlight Ln, Belair Dr+Sussex Ln, Belair Dr+Teal Ln, Belair Dr+Trinity Dr, Belair Dr+Tulip Grove Dr, Bowie Health Ctr+Circle, Bowie Health Ctr+Main Entrance, Bowie Health Ctr+Northview Dr, Bowie P+R, Collington Rd+Faith Ln, Collington Rd+Lerner Pl, Collington Rd+Long Ridge Ln, Collington Rd+Lyle Ln, Collington Rd+Tongue Av, Collington Rd+Tulip Grove Dr, Harkins Rd+#7900, Harkins Rd+Annapolis Rd, Harkins Rd+Ellin Rd, Harkins Rd+W Lanham Dr, Health Center Dr+Bowen Apt, Health Center Dr+Senior Center, Millstream Dr+Mabank Ln, Millstream Dr+Mackell Ln, Millstream Dr+Madeley Ln, Millstream Dr+Majestic Ln, Millstream Dr+Manvel Ln, Millstream Dr+Margin Wy, Millstream Dr+Marquette Ln, Millstream Dr+Maycheck Ln, Millstream Dr+Media Ln, Millstream Dr+Memory Ln, Millstream Dr+Mercer Dr, Moylan Dr+#3504, Moylan Dr+#3506, Moylan Dr+Madeley Ln, Moylan Dr+Malin Ln, Moylan Dr+Marne Ln, Moylan Dr+Millstream Dr, New Carrollton Station+Bus Bay T1, New Carrollton+Bay G, Northview Dr+Collington Rd, Northview Dr+Health Center Dr, Stonybrook Dr+Sussex Ln, Sussex Ln+Belair Dr, Tulip Grove Dr+Foxhill Ln, Tulip Grove Dr+Tarragon Ln, Tulip Grove Dr+Trainor Ln, Tulip Grove Dr+Twisting Ln and Tulip Grv+Folsom.
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