17 - Front-Mkt to 20-Johnston/Broad-Pat
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Current Service Alerts
Stadium Events
Until 7:00pm on 12-22-24, Naval Yard Trips Only, SB via Pattison, Right on Broad into the Navy, Yard., Reg. Rt.
Due to operator unavailability, scheduled trips are subject to delays and cancellations until 6:56 p.m. today.
Due to operator unavailability, scheduled trips are subject to delays and cancellations until 6:56 p.m. today.
🚧 Discontinue transit stop SB, 8th Market until further notice
New Start/End Route Location Effective Jan. 14
Until Further NoticeNew start/end location on 2nd Street near Market Street.Route 17 will continue east on Market Street, left on Front Street, left on Arch Street, left on 2nd Street to access the new start/end location on 2nd Street near Market Street.View alerts, advisories and detours across The SEPTA System. To get the latest service news, call Customer Service at 215-580-7800 or follow SEPTA @SEPTA.
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