A - 8 Avenue Express
Trains operate between Inwood-207 St, Manhattan and Far Rockaway-Mott Avenue, Queens at all times. Also from about 6 AM until about midnight, additional trains operate between Inwood-207 St and Lefferts Boulevard (trains typically alternate between Lefferts Blvd and Far Rockaway). During weekday morning rush hours, special trains operate from Rockaway Park-Beach 116 St, Queens, toward Manhattan. These trains make local stops between Rockaway Park and Broad Channel. Similarly, in the evening rush hour special trains leave Manhattan operating toward Rockaway Park-Beach 116 St, Queens.
For more information, visit https://web.mta.info/nyct/service/pdf/tacur.pdf.
Current Service Alerts
Planned - Stops Skipped — In Upper Manhattan, downtown [A] local skips 163 St-Amsterdam Av, 155 St and 135 St
For service to 163 St-Amsterdam Av and 155 St, take the [A] to 145 St and transfer to an uptown [A] local.
For service from these stations, take the [A] to 168 St and transfer to a downtown [A].
For 135 St, take the [D] instead. Transfer at 145 St or 125 St.
What's happening?
Track maintenance
Planned - Part Suspended — No [A] service between Howard Beach-JFK Airport and the Rockaways Broad Channel Station is closed[H] Rockaway Park Shuttle runs between B 116 St and Mott Av
[A] service operates between Manhattan and Ozone Park or Howard Beach-JFK Airport.
[H] Rockaway Park Shuttle operates fare-free between Rockaway Park-Beach 116 St and via the [A] to/from Far Rockaway-Mott Av
🚌Free shuttle buses run along two routes:
1. Q97 Nonstop between Howard Beach-JFK Airport and Far Rockaway-Mott Av
2. Q109 Between Howard Beach-JFK Airport and Beach 67 St, stopping at Broad Channel and Beach 90 St
Travel alternatives:
For Broad Channel and service between Howard Beach-JFK Airport and the Rockaways, take 🚌free shuttle buses.
Transfer between [A] and 🚌at Howard Beach-JFK Airport ♿
Transfer between [H] and 🚌at Beach 67 St ♿ or Far Rockaway-Mott Av ♿
Additional bus alternatives: (Regular $2.90 local and $7 express bus fares apply for these buses)
Q52-SBS and Q53-SBS connect with the [A] at Rockaway Blvd, [J][Z] at Woodhaven Blvd and [M][R] at Woodhaven Blvd.
Q35 connects with [2][5] at Flatbush Av-Brooklyn College ♿.
For Manhattan, consider weekday QM16/QM17 express bus service.
Special QM15 service will also operate to/from the Rockaways on weekdays and Saturdays.
LIRR Far Rockaway Ticket will provide a special fare of $2.75 between Far Rockaway ♿ and Grand Central ♿, Penn Station ♿ or Atlantic Terminal ♿. Far Rockaway Tickets can only be purchased at Far Rockaway Station or on the TrainTime app if you're near the station. Buy a round trip if you're returning the same day. Check LIRR schedules or the TrainTime app for more information.
Consider NYC Ferry service running between Beach 108 St (at Beach Channel Drive) and Wall St (Pier 11).
Note: Jan 28 - 29, Tue 11:30 PM to Wed 5 AM, No [A] between Euclid Av and Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd/Far Rockaway-Mott Av.
What's happening?
Planned - Stops Skipped — In Upper Manhattan, downtown [A] local skips 163 St-Amsterdam Av, 155 St and 135 St
For service to 163 St-Amsterdam Av and 155 St, take the [A] to 145 St and transfer to an uptown [A] local.
For service from these stations, take the [A] to 168 St and transfer to a downtown [A].
For 135 St, take the [D] instead. Transfer at 145 St or 125 St.
What's happening?
Track maintenance
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