Bx8 - Williamsbridge - Locust Point
via Bronxwood Av / Williamsbridge Rd / Crosby Av
Current Service Alerts
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Stations Served
This route stops at Bronxwood Av/Adee Av, Bronxwood Av/Bartholdi St, Bronxwood Av/Burke Av, Bronxwood Av/Duncan St, Bronxwood Av/E 216 St, Bronxwood Av/E 218 St, Bronxwood Av/E 222 St, Bronxwood Av/East Gun Hill Rd, Bronxwood Av/Gun Hill Rd, Bronxwood Av/Tilden St, Clarence Av/Philip Av, Clarence Av/Randall Av, Crosby Av/Baisley Av, Crosby Av/Bruckner Blvd, Crosby Av/Buhre Av, Crosby Av/Dudley Av, Crosby Av/Middletown Rd, Crosby Av/Waterbury Av, Crosby Av/Westchester Av, Crosby Av/Zulette Av, Dean Av/Lafayette Av, Dean Av/Layton Av, E 222 St/Barnes Av, E 226 St/Bronxwood Av, E 226 St/White Plains Rd, East Tremont Av/Lane Av, Edgewater Park/Edgewater Park Oval, Ellsworth Av/Schley Av, Geigerich Pl/Locust Point Dr, Layton Av/Clarence Av, Layton Av/Vincent Av, Locust Point Dr/Giegerich Pl, Longstreet Av/Chaffee Av, Otis Av/Logan Av, Pennyfield Av/Harding Av, Pennyfield Av/Lawton Av, Pennyfield Av/Throgs Neck Expwy, Randall Av/Throgs Neck Expwy, Throgs Neck Expwy/Harding Av, Throgs Neck Expwy/Meagher Av, Throgs Neck Expwy/Prentiss Av, Throgs Neck Expwy/Randall Av, Throgs Neck Expwy/Veterans Memorial Park, Throgs Neck Expwy/Wissman Av, Tierney Pl/Longstreet Av, Westchester Av/East Tremont Av, Westchester Av/Hutchinson River Pkwy, Westchester Av/Middletown Rd, Westchester Av/Roberts Av, White Plains Rd/E 222 St, White Plains Rd/E 225 St, Williamsbridge Rd/Allerton Av, Williamsbridge Rd/Astor Av, Williamsbridge Rd/Boston Rd, Williamsbridge Rd/East Tremont Av, Williamsbridge Rd/Eastchester Rd, Williamsbridge Rd/Halperin Av, Williamsbridge Rd/Mace Av, Williamsbridge Rd/Morris Park Av, Williamsbridge Rd/Neill Av, Williamsbridge Rd/Pelham Pkwy, Williamsbridge Rd/Pelham Pkwy North, Williamsbridge Rd/Pelham Pkwy South, Williamsbridge Rd/Pierce Av, Williamsbridge Rd/Rhinelander Av and Williamsbridge Rd/Silver St.
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