Mobility Bot

Commute Alerts for Slack and Microsoft Teams

L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Trains operate between 8 Av/14 St, Manhattan, and Rockaway Pkwy/Canarsie, Brooklyn, at all times.

For more information, visit

Current Service Alerts

Planned - Stops Skipped β€” In Brooklyn, Manhattan-bound [L] skips Wilson Av

Consider nearby β€ŒHalsey St or Bushwick Av stations.

Additional travel alternatives:

For service to this station, take the [L] to Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and transfer to a Canarsie-bound train.

For service from this station, take the [L] to Bushwick Av-Aberdeen St and transfer to a Manhattan-bound train.

What's happening?

We're making station improvements


Effective: Feb 7 - 8, Fri 11:45 PM to Sat 12:00 PM

L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Planned - Part Suspended β€” In Manhattan, no [L] between 14 St-Union Sq and 8 Av

[L] runs between Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy and 14 St-Union Sq, the last stop.

  • Trains run every 8 minutes, days and evenings

M14 and free L92 🚌shuttle buses make [L] stops between 14 St-Union Sq and 8 Av.

  • Transfer between [L] and M14/L92 🚌buses at 14 St-Union Sq β™Ώ

When exiting at 8 Av, 6 Av or 14 St-Union Sq, get a GO ticket for re-entry into the subway.

What's happening?

We're making accessibility improvements


Effective: Feb 7 - 10, Fri 11:45 PM to Mon 5:00 AM

L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Recently Resolved Service Alerts

Delays β€” [L] trains are running with delays in both directions after we removed a train with a mechanical problem from service at 8 Av.



L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Delays β€” [L] trains are running with delays in both directions after we removed a train with a mechanical problem from service at 8 Av.



L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Delays β€” [L] trains are delayed entering/leaving 8 Av while we address a mechanical problem on a train at that station.



L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Delays β€” [L] trains are running with severe delays in both directions after we removed debris from the tracks at Atlantic Av.

[L] service has resumed between Canarsie and Atlantic Av.



L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Part Suspended β€” No [L] service between Canarsie and Atlantic Av. Canarsie-bound [L] trains will end at Broadway Junction. Take a B60 bus making nearby stops.

What's Happening?

We are removing debris from the tracks at Atlantic Av.

Additional Travel Alternatives:
Take an [A][C] or [J] train at Broadway Junction for service to Manhattan.

Take a [J] or [M] train for nearby service in Brooklyn.



L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Part Suspended β€” No [L] service between Canarsie and Atlantic Av. Canarsie-bound [L] trains will end at Broadway Junction. Take a B60 bus making nearby stops.

What's Happening?

We are removing debris from the tracks at Atlantic Av.

Additional Travel Alternatives:
Take an [A][C] or [J] train at Broadway Junction for service to Manhattan.

Take a [J] or [M] train for nearby service in Brooklyn.



L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Part Suspended β€” No [L] service between Canarsie and Atlantic Av. Canarsie-bound [L] trains will end at Broadway Junction. Take a B60 bus making nearby stops.

What's Happening?

We are removing debris from the tracks at Atlantic Av.



L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Delays β€” [L] trains are running with delays in both directions while we address a mechanical problem on a train at 8 Av.



L L - 14 St-Canarsie Local

Stations Served

This route stops at 1 Av, 14 St-Union Sq, 3 Av, 6 Av, 8 Av, Atlantic Av, Bedford Av, Broadway Junction, Bushwick Av-Aberdeen St, Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy, DeKalb Av, East 105 St, Graham Av, Grand St, Halsey St, Jefferson St, Livonia Av, Lorimer St, Montrose Av, Morgan Av, Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs, New Lots Av, Sutter Av and Wilson Av.

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Mobility Bot utilizes data provided by Transitland.