Mobility Bot

Commute Alerts for Slack and Microsoft Teams

BxM2 BxM2 - Riverdale - West Midtown

Via Riverdale / H. Hudson / 6Th & 7Th Av

For more information, visit

Current Service Alerts

Boarding Change — Downtown BxM2 stop on Central Park West at W 81 St is closed; buses will detour and drop off customers at the M79-SBS stop on W 81st St at Central Park West

See a map of this stop change.

What's happening?

81 St-Museum of Natural History Subway Station Accessibility Upgrades


Effective: Until December 2026

BxM2 BxM2 - Riverdale - West Midtown

Boarding Change — Northbound BxM2, BxM3, BxM4 and BxM11 stop on Madison Ave at E 84th St has been relocated

Buses are stopping on Madison Ave at E 84th St after the intersection.

See a map of the stop change.

What happened?

NYC DOT Building Construction

Note: Real-time tracking on BusTime may be inaccurate in the service change area


Effective: Until further notice

BxM2 BxM2 - Riverdale - West Midtown
BxM3 BxM3 - Yonkers - Midtown
BxM4 BxM4 - Woodlawn - Midtown
BxM11 BxM11 - Wakefield - Midtown

Planned - Detour — Some BxM2 buses will detour via the RFK Bridge in both directions and miss the southbound stop on 5th Ave at W 125th St

Detoured southbound buses will make a requested stop at the M15 stop on 2nd Ave between E 125th St and E 124th St.

Note: Please be aware, some northbound buses may detour and miss the northbound stop on Madison Ave at E 123rd St depending on traffic conditions.

See a map of the detour.

What's happening?

DOT bridge repair

Note: Real-time tracking on BusTime may be inaccurate in the service change area


Effective: Until further notice

BxM2 BxM2 - Riverdale - West Midtown

Boarding Change — Southbound Bx10, Bx20, BxM1, BxM2 and BxM18 stops along Henry Hudson Pkwy from W 237th St to Independence Ave are reopened

See a map of the reopened stops.

What happened?

NYS road work completed

Note: The restored express bus stops along Henry Hudson Pkwy do not appear on BusTime. We're working on an update!


Effective: In effect

Bx10 Bx10 - Riverdale - Norwood
Bx20 Bx20 - Riverdale - Inwood
BxM1 BxM1 - Riverdale - East Midtown
BxM2 BxM2 - Riverdale - West Midtown
BxM18 BxM18 - Riverdale - Downtown

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Mobility Bot utilizes data provided by Transitland.